Friday, June 20, 2008

text message: underused or overrated?

Don't get me wrong, I do love me some text messaging, but I must admit that it can get quite annoying, tedious, irritating, troublesome, irksome and I'll go as far as saying, vexatious (that's a nice sounding word)-all in all, these emotion(s) occur when texts aren't returned.

Gimme-A-Break (Nell Carter), you can accidentally call people from you pocket, but returning a text message, apparently is way too advanced (I mean considerate) for some people to do.

How difficult can it be? Step 1. Look at phone. Step 2. Notice the envelope icon. Step 3. Hit VIEW on your phone. Step 4. Read message and lastly, but this is the most difficult-so PAY ATTENTION. Step 5. REPLY, REPLY, REPLY.

Thanks and Happy Texting!

Then again, text messaging is just another lane on the new generation communication highway. You know the new generation where they actually don't have to talk to one another. Instead, they send text messages, instant messages, email messages, everything but actual mouth-to-mouth (or face-to-face) communication. 
I get it, text messaging can be impersonal, especially when it comes to someone you're looking to date or already dating. But, humor us please and just hit REPLY, REPLY, REPLY!

Once again, Happy Texting!

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