It's on....
Below you will find a letter, my contrubution to "Day Without a Gay". I know....I'm the flaky GHF girl that has had no time to blog recently.
Well, I'm back.....and it's on.
This letter is signed, sealed, stamped and ready to go.....I am mailing it to those groups whose support of Prop 8 makes this Positive Polly a really negative Nelly.
Join me and fight the power, people!
On December 10, 2008 – both members and friends of the GLBT community were encouraged to “Call In Gay”. This day would be set aside to make a statement of support for the rights of all people, regardless of their sexual orientation. Instead of going to work, those that “called in gay” were encouraged to make their voices heard by volunteering, spending less, and contributing to the continued fight for equality.
In light of California’s Proposition 8, this fight for equality becomes even more important. How can we deny our brothers and sisters basic human rights – including the right to marriage?
Instead of working today, I am using my time to make my voice heard by writing this letter to your organization.
During the 2008 Election, your organization was a vocal supporter of Proposition 8.
Your organization spent a great deal of time, money, and resources in order to make sure that Proposition 8 passed.
It is disheartening to think how else that money could have been spent.
Giving homosexual people the same rights that heterosexual people enjoy does not harm or threaten families.
Spending time and money to deny equal rights is what undermines our society and tears communities apart.
In fact , loving and accepting others and ensuring that all have the same rights does not cost anything.
Mounting a campaign that claims to “protect marriage and protect children” that at the same time denies other humans equal rights is not only an incredible waste of time, energy, and money, but is a vehicle for spreading hate and disunity.
Your organizations could have focused these resources on actually helping people, but instead chose to pour your resources into a campaign that hurts instead of helps, that divides instead of unites, that says a group of people, simply because of their sexual orientation, does not deserve the same rights other people enjoy.
I grew up Catholic, went to Catholic School from Kindergarten through College, and was married in the Catholic Church six years ago to a man who was baptisized a Catholic in 2008.
Never have I been more upset, disappointed, and angry about the actions of my church and other churchs and organizations that claim to be “Christian”.
Your financial support of Proposition 8 is not only a hateful act, but an un-Christian one.
I can not and will not support an organization that spends its time, money, and energy denying other people basic human rights.
I have always been a friend and supporter of the GLBT community and now, more than ever, I am committed to joining them in the fight for equality.
Your actions have prompted me to act – to speak out, to speak up, and to make sure that marriage equality will soon be a reality.
I am committed to spending my time and money to spread love, acceptance, and unity.
I am proud to “call in gay” today and any day in the future when my voice, my time, and my resources will be necessary to join the fight for equality.
Margaret Linville
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