It's on....
Below you will find a letter, my contrubution to "Day Without a Gay". I know....I'm the flaky GHF girl that has had no time to blog recently.
Well, I'm back.....and it's on.
This letter is signed, sealed, stamped and ready to go.....I am mailing it to those groups whose support of Prop 8 makes this Positive Polly a really negative Nelly.
Join me and fight the power, people!
On December 10, 2008 – both members and friends of the GLBT community were encouraged to “Call In Gay”. This day would be set aside to make a statement of support for the rights of all people, regardless of their sexual orientation. Instead of going to work, those that “called in gay” were encouraged to make their voices heard by volunteering, spending less, and contributing to the continued fight for equality.
In light of California’s Proposition 8, this fight for equality becomes even more important. How can we deny our brothers and sisters basic human rights – including the right to marriage?
Instead of working today, I am using my time to make my voice heard by writing this letter to your organization.
During the 2008 Election, your organization was a vocal supporter of Proposition 8.
Your organization spent a great deal of time, money, and resources in order to make sure that Proposition 8 passed.
It is disheartening to think how else that money could have been spent.
Giving homosexual people the same rights that heterosexual people enjoy does not harm or threaten families.
Spending time and money to deny equal rights is what undermines our society and tears communities apart.
In fact , loving and accepting others and ensuring that all have the same rights does not cost anything.
Mounting a campaign that claims to “protect marriage and protect children” that at the same time denies other humans equal rights is not only an incredible waste of time, energy, and money, but is a vehicle for spreading hate and disunity.
Your organizations could have focused these resources on actually helping people, but instead chose to pour your resources into a campaign that hurts instead of helps, that divides instead of unites, that says a group of people, simply because of their sexual orientation, does not deserve the same rights other people enjoy.
I grew up Catholic, went to Catholic School from Kindergarten through College, and was married in the Catholic Church six years ago to a man who was baptisized a Catholic in 2008.
Never have I been more upset, disappointed, and angry about the actions of my church and other churchs and organizations that claim to be “Christian”.
Your financial support of Proposition 8 is not only a hateful act, but an un-Christian one.
I can not and will not support an organization that spends its time, money, and energy denying other people basic human rights.
I have always been a friend and supporter of the GLBT community and now, more than ever, I am committed to joining them in the fight for equality.
Your actions have prompted me to act – to speak out, to speak up, and to make sure that marriage equality will soon be a reality.
I am committed to spending my time and money to spread love, acceptance, and unity.
I am proud to “call in gay” today and any day in the future when my voice, my time, and my resources will be necessary to join the fight for equality.
Margaret Linville
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Holidays/Religion/Wal-Mart/Chaos...They're All the Same
Really Wal-Mart? Again? Have you not learned your lesson from the billionth time you've done your ridiculous "After Thanksgiving Sale"-that maybe...I don't know...YOU NEED TO PROVIDE A BETTER WAY OF TACKLING THE CONSUMERS!!!!
I'm sorry, first off, I'm not a fan of the "hell mouth" also known as Wal-Mart anyway (I'm bias to Target, for obvious reasons), but every season it's the same story. Billions of people trampled and hospitalized after Wal-Mart lacks in providing sufficient security and now, you're dealing with one of these "victims" as being an 8-month pregnant woman. SMART!
Ok, so this blog isn't about Wal-Mart and how lame they are-but more about the disturbing fact that Religion and the Holidays are great theory-they just have horrible execution. I'm not an Atheist, so put down your Christian torches-but I do believe that "Organized Religion" and "Holiday Spirit" are oxymorons...shall I explain?
Let's tackle the Holiday Spirit or lack there of. Once again, don't get me wrong, there is nothing that screams "Holidays" more to me than spending time with your family, in a cozy home, filled with love, memories and cinnamon smells coming from the kitchen. Sure the presents are nice, but the memories is what I'm after.
But it's difficult to get into the Holiday Spirit when a "Blue Hair" is honking at you in the parking lot and eventually gives you the finger or when there are the infamous Wal-Mart mishaps and of course the overall annoyance and anger in every one's hearts.
It probably doesn't help that they retail stores open their doors at 3 AM for a 6-hour sale, just so you can buy your dad that ridiculous hat he doesn't even want (you know you've done it).
So you say we're going through a recession and if the retail companies aren't making money, than the economy basically stops and the Great Depression is on our heels, but is it too much to ask everyone to CALM DOWN? Breathe-walk (don't run) and remember that the Holidays are here to promote, Peace, Love and Joy to the World. Is that too much to ask? (Don't answer, it's one of those rhetorical questions.)
Well if it is, then let's move on to another "theory" that was built to unite, but all it does is divide. Organized Religion. I swear, there is nothing more strange on this planet than the concept of "one love" producing genocide.
That's all I have to say on that. If no religion, no culture, no country has figured it out this far into the human existence, then I say...pack it in and pack it up. Sit down, crack open a beer and wait until Global Warming becomes more of a reality and we're all screwed! Then we'll see who is right :)
Salute! and Cheers!
I'm sorry, first off, I'm not a fan of the "hell mouth" also known as Wal-Mart anyway (I'm bias to Target, for obvious reasons), but every season it's the same story. Billions of people trampled and hospitalized after Wal-Mart lacks in providing sufficient security and now, you're dealing with one of these "victims" as being an 8-month pregnant woman. SMART!
Ok, so this blog isn't about Wal-Mart and how lame they are-but more about the disturbing fact that Religion and the Holidays are great theory-they just have horrible execution. I'm not an Atheist, so put down your Christian torches-but I do believe that "Organized Religion" and "Holiday Spirit" are oxymorons...shall I explain?
Let's tackle the Holiday Spirit or lack there of. Once again, don't get me wrong, there is nothing that screams "Holidays" more to me than spending time with your family, in a cozy home, filled with love, memories and cinnamon smells coming from the kitchen. Sure the presents are nice, but the memories is what I'm after.
But it's difficult to get into the Holiday Spirit when a "Blue Hair" is honking at you in the parking lot and eventually gives you the finger or when there are the infamous Wal-Mart mishaps and of course the overall annoyance and anger in every one's hearts.
It probably doesn't help that they retail stores open their doors at 3 AM for a 6-hour sale, just so you can buy your dad that ridiculous hat he doesn't even want (you know you've done it).
So you say we're going through a recession and if the retail companies aren't making money, than the economy basically stops and the Great Depression is on our heels, but is it too much to ask everyone to CALM DOWN? Breathe-walk (don't run) and remember that the Holidays are here to promote, Peace, Love and Joy to the World. Is that too much to ask? (Don't answer, it's one of those rhetorical questions.)
Well if it is, then let's move on to another "theory" that was built to unite, but all it does is divide. Organized Religion. I swear, there is nothing more strange on this planet than the concept of "one love" producing genocide.
That's all I have to say on that. If no religion, no culture, no country has figured it out this far into the human existence, then I say...pack it in and pack it up. Sit down, crack open a beer and wait until Global Warming becomes more of a reality and we're all screwed! Then we'll see who is right :)
Salute! and Cheers!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Political Cherry Popped
Well, either hell has frozen over or this election really was one for the history books, because I'm 27, born and raised in America and this was the first year I felt strongly enough that my voice and my vote needed to be heard.
Why wouldn't I vote you may be asking yourself about now-well, a little insight to Breezy-she to an extent believes in Conspiracy Theories. Now, hold on, don't condemn me just yet to the looney bin, please. Back in Art school (yes, I learned how to professionaly color within the lines), I had a crazy teacher whom I did not get along with, but taught me much (just like the cliche' goes). Anyway, he taught history (yes, even in art school, you learn the basics), but he taught more than history-he taught us about famous historical figures (mainly musicians and pop culture icons) who were made out to die from overdoses (Jimi Hendrix) or who went into the army (Elvis) at the height of their popularity.
Now the stories he would tell us about these figures seemed like there was no plausible way his information was wrong. Therefore, at the tender age of 19, I bought into and yet to this day, I do believe in some conspiracies, not necessarily ones he preached, but there are some that are more than just know you believe some of them too.
Anyway, so why this year, why this comes down to 2 reasons: the first-I really can't stand the way McCain whistles while he talks and although Tina Fey and SNL are hilarious, I'm already burnt out on all the "dontcha knows"...
No seriously, I agree with the message of it's time for a change-now, this doesn't necessarily mean that I am a huge supporter, but being of not all WASP (no offense) heritage, it is time that this innovative, rich country start changing and finding what is going to work for the next generations.
Speaking of next generations, it was frightening (in a rad way) to hear some 10-yr old boys in my neighborhood talking about the Props and saying they wish they could vote because this is how they would vote. After hearing how passionate these young kids were about the country that we all live in...I figured that my immigrant mother's message finally was real.
We are a free country, very proud and being a woman in this country means more than in any other country (well except maybe the UK, hats off to you Queen Elizabeth II and Margaret Thatcher), my voice is just as important as the next individual.
So, I packed up Lola on her leash and we walked the 0.6 miles to the voting booth and cast our ballot. Even Lola got her I Voted sticker (the new fashion trend).
This really wasn't a GHF entry, but for a GHE girl like me-we can find the darker side of anything :)
Why wouldn't I vote you may be asking yourself about now-well, a little insight to Breezy-she to an extent believes in Conspiracy Theories. Now, hold on, don't condemn me just yet to the looney bin, please. Back in Art school (yes, I learned how to professionaly color within the lines), I had a crazy teacher whom I did not get along with, but taught me much (just like the cliche' goes). Anyway, he taught history (yes, even in art school, you learn the basics), but he taught more than history-he taught us about famous historical figures (mainly musicians and pop culture icons) who were made out to die from overdoses (Jimi Hendrix) or who went into the army (Elvis) at the height of their popularity.
Now the stories he would tell us about these figures seemed like there was no plausible way his information was wrong. Therefore, at the tender age of 19, I bought into and yet to this day, I do believe in some conspiracies, not necessarily ones he preached, but there are some that are more than just know you believe some of them too.
Anyway, so why this year, why this comes down to 2 reasons: the first-I really can't stand the way McCain whistles while he talks and although Tina Fey and SNL are hilarious, I'm already burnt out on all the "dontcha knows"...
No seriously, I agree with the message of it's time for a change-now, this doesn't necessarily mean that I am a huge supporter, but being of not all WASP (no offense) heritage, it is time that this innovative, rich country start changing and finding what is going to work for the next generations.
Speaking of next generations, it was frightening (in a rad way) to hear some 10-yr old boys in my neighborhood talking about the Props and saying they wish they could vote because this is how they would vote. After hearing how passionate these young kids were about the country that we all live in...I figured that my immigrant mother's message finally was real.
We are a free country, very proud and being a woman in this country means more than in any other country (well except maybe the UK, hats off to you Queen Elizabeth II and Margaret Thatcher), my voice is just as important as the next individual.
So, I packed up Lola on her leash and we walked the 0.6 miles to the voting booth and cast our ballot. Even Lola got her I Voted sticker (the new fashion trend).
This really wasn't a GHF entry, but for a GHE girl like me-we can find the darker side of anything :)
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Return of the ToolBox...An Owl with Iron-Clad Panties
"I'm playing tennis tonight. "
"Oh, how funny, so am I."
" is it like a date?"
"No, not really. Just playing tennis."
"Well, what's the difference between playing tennis and going out to dinner? You're both getting to know each other and wanting to get into each other's pants, right?"
"Not exactly."
"Yeah, whatever. I'll know when you get a boyfriend, because the phone calls will stop."
"No, because I called you yesterday."
"What are you saying? This guy is your boyfriend? You have a boyfriend now?"
"Yes, he is. Yes I do."
"Oh, well, I'll talk to you later."
What you have just read was a reenactment of a toolbox, being a douche bag :)
This gentlemen (if you want to call him that), was a really good guy. Sure things moved slower than me getting up at 4:45 AM to go running, but it was nice (sometimes). Other times it was dreadful. 2 words to sum up the frustration: Buddy Hug.
Dude LOVED giving the "buddy hug" at the end of the night. And Madge can attest to this-as after said frustrating hugs, I would call for back-up to help analyze the nights event and to catch onto anything that maybe I did that would guarantee a "buddy hug" rather than a "let's take this one step further, kiss good night".
But alas...failure after all my efforts to show this guy that I am (was) interested and enough with the buddy hugs, let's get down to it already. He actually has the audacity to tell me after above conversation that he was "courting me" for 8 months and that I was actually "cheating on him" by getting a boyfriend. Excuse e moi? Did I miss something? CHEATING? COURTING? WTF!!!???!!!
He then proceeded to tell me that he tried to kiss me on multiple occasions, but I was like "an owl with iron-clad panties on". DUMBFOUNDED. That's all I can say. WOW! There's another word I can say to describe how I was feeling. Allow me to throw this tidbit on the scene-he made it very clear that he does not do long-distance relationships (despite the fact that he's never had one) and considering him and I live 30 minutes away, this was (to him) a long-distance relationship. Fine. Boom goes the dynamite-not interested anymore, I'll take this and chalk it up to having a good guy as a friend and leave it at that. Apparently, I didn't get the memo where he was still interested!
Men, do me a favor...allow the balls to drop, use your mouth and voice what you want-just like you, women are not mind-readers. You want something, use your big boy words and just tell us. If you're interested, say you're interested. If you want a kiss, grab her face (because that is actually a turn-on) and freakin' kiss her already!!!
Stay tuned for more dysfunctional dating tactics, brought to you by the Douche Bags of America.
"Oh, how funny, so am I."
" is it like a date?"
"No, not really. Just playing tennis."
"Well, what's the difference between playing tennis and going out to dinner? You're both getting to know each other and wanting to get into each other's pants, right?"
"Not exactly."
"Yeah, whatever. I'll know when you get a boyfriend, because the phone calls will stop."
"No, because I called you yesterday."
"What are you saying? This guy is your boyfriend? You have a boyfriend now?"
"Yes, he is. Yes I do."
"Oh, well, I'll talk to you later."
What you have just read was a reenactment of a toolbox, being a douche bag :)
This gentlemen (if you want to call him that), was a really good guy. Sure things moved slower than me getting up at 4:45 AM to go running, but it was nice (sometimes). Other times it was dreadful. 2 words to sum up the frustration: Buddy Hug.
Dude LOVED giving the "buddy hug" at the end of the night. And Madge can attest to this-as after said frustrating hugs, I would call for back-up to help analyze the nights event and to catch onto anything that maybe I did that would guarantee a "buddy hug" rather than a "let's take this one step further, kiss good night".
But alas...failure after all my efforts to show this guy that I am (was) interested and enough with the buddy hugs, let's get down to it already. He actually has the audacity to tell me after above conversation that he was "courting me" for 8 months and that I was actually "cheating on him" by getting a boyfriend. Excuse e moi? Did I miss something? CHEATING? COURTING? WTF!!!???!!!
He then proceeded to tell me that he tried to kiss me on multiple occasions, but I was like "an owl with iron-clad panties on". DUMBFOUNDED. That's all I can say. WOW! There's another word I can say to describe how I was feeling. Allow me to throw this tidbit on the scene-he made it very clear that he does not do long-distance relationships (despite the fact that he's never had one) and considering him and I live 30 minutes away, this was (to him) a long-distance relationship. Fine. Boom goes the dynamite-not interested anymore, I'll take this and chalk it up to having a good guy as a friend and leave it at that. Apparently, I didn't get the memo where he was still interested!
Men, do me a favor...allow the balls to drop, use your mouth and voice what you want-just like you, women are not mind-readers. You want something, use your big boy words and just tell us. If you're interested, say you're interested. If you want a kiss, grab her face (because that is actually a turn-on) and freakin' kiss her already!!!
Stay tuned for more dysfunctional dating tactics, brought to you by the Douche Bags of America.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The Endless Torture
The Endless Torture or as some may call it their JOB. There is a difference between WORK and your JOB. Work is usually described as one's passion, "their life's work". Now a job? Well that I consider it an acronym for Juggling Others Bullshit.
Depending on your age, you have spent so many years juggling that not only is Barnum Bailey calling, but Cirque du Soleil just received your resume and you're their top candidate!
Juggling Others Bullshit is never a fun task and sure you gain experience (in order to juggle others bullshit), and it helps you survive (money makes the world go round), there are benefits (what? no dental!) and you may just meet your new best-friend there (Madge). But when you get down to it, it's all the same old bullshit wherever you go.
Now the next step in the vicious to get your own bullshit for others to juggle for you...(insert circus-clown theme music here, grab another cup of coffee and sit at your desk pretending to work).
Friday, July 18, 2008
Freakshows. How Many Are There?
Calling All Freakshows!!! You can't run, you most definitely can't hide, so just MAN-UP and step forward. Not sure you're a Freak...keep reading for more information.
Freakshow Type #1:
Like talking about getting married, having a family, falling in love, blah, blah and YUCK! Yet, you don't call, don't make dates and suddenly you're singing a different tune? Then congratulations, you're the classic Bait and Swticher!
Freakshow Type #2:
On a second date asking about the ex-factor? Finding out more information than the diary or the therapist know about, yet you find yourself secretly wanting to fix them? Get Over Yourself!!! You're the total Cliche Dater!!!
Freakshow Type #3:
Have a great first date? Good for you! Do you now have their number on your speed-dial set as #1? Know their work schedule? Get Help! Because you have full on Stalker Status!
Stick around...more to come...
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Another Freakin' Monkey Wrench
Once again, I am utterly speechless with shock at the 'Monkey Wrench' the so-called "toolbox" threw at me. Having not heard from this person in weeks and actually changing the name in my phone to something that is a little less...complimentary (think more playground-esque).
I was enjoying a quiet evening with a friend and her fiance when..."Holy cow...he's calling me." My friend, being a great and understanding person (I think she was just waiting for the drama to unfold), told me to answer it.
Very long, (somewhat drawn-out, though entirely entertaining) story apology came and he admitted that he somewhat fell off the face of the earth.
Being GHE and sticking true to this...I must admit that there is just a hint of BS detected in this very nice call/explanation/loads of excuses-but let's be honest here...I hear more from people who have cellphone mishaps than I do from this guy.
Not giving him the benefit of the doubt, although he did provide me with about 10 minutes of entertainment at his expense of course. Thanks for being big enough to laugh at yourself...because you know I'm laughing with/at you.
The question remains...should this guy have a chance?
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Nice Girls Finish Last 2 (As In Also)
"Nice guys finish last" huh? Well about the nice girls? They finish last too! Oh, I'm not talking about the "nice girls" that are described as "having a great personality" and in reality they're dogs...I mean, genuinely nice, cool, down-to-earth girls who get jerked around by a douche bag-that's the kind of nice girl I'm referring to.
If 2 wrongs don't make a right, than 2 nice people don't happen-because one person is always going to be a toolbox and more than likely (or in this situation, it's the guy).
Welcome to GHE readers! Where it's told like it should be and the games people play, get called out! Why do guys drag you along? What's the point? There's more energy lost in that and more headache than just telling the girl, "Hey, I'M JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU." The book is out there guys, your secrets are told...women can, believe it or not, can handle the truth.
Give up the ghost-just as the infamous Jimmy Soul sang about "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife..." WAIT....that's not right-what did he know anyway???
If nice guys finish last, then I don't want to be first.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
GHF Guest Appearance: Closed Doors
For a girl who is usually GHF 24/7, it is hard to put on the not-so-rose colored glasses from time to time. But since GHF and GHE really are one and the same, it's my turn to "come to the dark side".
I firmly believe, in the most obnoxious GHF way possible, that everything happens for a let's take that to the GHE side and analyze.
We've all been that girl, well -- two girls actually -- the one who got dumped and the one who was there to console the dumped. We all have our heart broken friend's best interest in mind when we tell her things like -- "He does not deserve you!", "You can and will do better!", "It's for the best, even though it hurts right now!". We've bought her a drink, we've treated her to Cold Stone, we've escorted her to the mall for some retail therapy. If we have been dumped, we've been on the receiving end of this TLC.
There is no substitute for the understanding and support a good girlfriend can bring to a break-up. Chicks before dicks, right, ladies? We need our sisters to be our strength when all we feel like doing is eating chocolate and cursing the day he was born.
So, ladies -- when the dumper reappears, which he most likely will, do you tell your sister to take him back? Do you throw her out there to get hurt again? Do you give him the satifaction of thinking that she's nothing without him and that he's the one and only?
I have to admit -- the GHF side of me says "I'm not sure" while the GHE side is screaming "Hell, no!!!". Doors are closed for a reason. Move on. The past is just that -- the past. He's never going to change. Look at his track record. Why are you even considering this as an option?
We tell ourselves to give people a second chance -- to do what, I say? Break your heart all over again, hurt you and betray your trust? No thanks.
So -- keep the door closed and move on. Save yourself the heartache and the pain and inevitable "I guess I saw that coming". Close the door and open yourself up to a better future.....oh, wait, that's a topic for GHF to tackle.
I firmly believe, in the most obnoxious GHF way possible, that everything happens for a let's take that to the GHE side and analyze.
We've all been that girl, well -- two girls actually -- the one who got dumped and the one who was there to console the dumped. We all have our heart broken friend's best interest in mind when we tell her things like -- "He does not deserve you!", "You can and will do better!", "It's for the best, even though it hurts right now!". We've bought her a drink, we've treated her to Cold Stone, we've escorted her to the mall for some retail therapy. If we have been dumped, we've been on the receiving end of this TLC.
There is no substitute for the understanding and support a good girlfriend can bring to a break-up. Chicks before dicks, right, ladies? We need our sisters to be our strength when all we feel like doing is eating chocolate and cursing the day he was born.
So, ladies -- when the dumper reappears, which he most likely will, do you tell your sister to take him back? Do you throw her out there to get hurt again? Do you give him the satifaction of thinking that she's nothing without him and that he's the one and only?
I have to admit -- the GHF side of me says "I'm not sure" while the GHE side is screaming "Hell, no!!!". Doors are closed for a reason. Move on. The past is just that -- the past. He's never going to change. Look at his track record. Why are you even considering this as an option?
We tell ourselves to give people a second chance -- to do what, I say? Break your heart all over again, hurt you and betray your trust? No thanks.
So -- keep the door closed and move on. Save yourself the heartache and the pain and inevitable "I guess I saw that coming". Close the door and open yourself up to a better future.....oh, wait, that's a topic for GHF to tackle.
Friday, June 20, 2008
text message: underused or overrated?
Don't get me wrong, I do love me some text messaging, but I must admit that it can get quite annoying, tedious, irritating, troublesome, irksome and I'll go as far as saying, vexatious (that's a nice sounding word)-all in all, these emotion(s) occur when texts aren't returned.
Gimme-A-Break (Nell Carter), you can accidentally call people from you pocket, but returning a text message, apparently is way too advanced (I mean considerate) for some people to do.
How difficult can it be? Step 1. Look at phone. Step 2. Notice the envelope icon. Step 3. Hit VIEW on your phone. Step 4. Read message and lastly, but this is the most difficult-so PAY ATTENTION. Step 5. REPLY, REPLY, REPLY.
Thanks and Happy Texting!
Then again, text messaging is just another lane on the new generation communication highway. You know the new generation where they actually don't have to talk to one another. Instead, they send text messages, instant messages, email messages, everything but actual mouth-to-mouth (or face-to-face) communication.
I get it, text messaging can be impersonal, especially when it comes to someone you're looking to date or already dating. But, humor us please and just hit REPLY, REPLY, REPLY!
Once again, Happy Texting!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Say What?
The ULTIMATE 'monkey wrench' of all time-the lame dude from the previous post, well apparently he isn't THAT lame after all, (I know, wish he was, but gotta be honest here). The dude, ACTUALLY called-he played dumb just as well as I did about not seeing each other at the bar on Saturday-can't blame him for playing the game, (where did he get a copy of the rules?).
Good things were said, future engagements were made (no, not going to the Half Full side that easily). Only time will tell on his lameness factor-he did however move from douche bag status to toolbox, so 'Congratulations' on that impossible feet. All you other douche bags, better luck next year, Barney's.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Old Skool Fashion
Although there is something to be said about coordinating your outfits with your girlfriends when you go out, execution is CRITICAL! If black skinny jeans and a green strapless top is what your friend is wearing, please take into consideration Fashion Common Law. Dressing alike was cute back in elementary school on the allotted "Twin Day" when you were 8-I'll even give you 10 years old, but when you're well into your 20's-knock that sh@# off!
You don't look cute or even adorable-you look like you're trying too hard in a very annoying way. So for the sake of ALL of who has to look at you (especially the guy you're trying to get attention from)-put a fashion restraining order on look-alikes. Besides, your girlfriend may look way better than you, then guess which twin the dude will want to take home that night? Yup, the HOTTER one!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Never Look Back
When you've been out of commission for months and finally take the chance and decide to put your best skinny jeans on (dudes, don't act like some of you don't wear them) and go out with your friends to a local downtown bar, with no agenda and then lo and behold you actually meet someone who at the time has restored your faith in dating-mankind and all seems good for the next month or so and then all of the sudden you take your chances once again and unfortunately (due to long lines at another bar), go back to the bar where you met Mr. Right Now, only to find that he is there (thanks to my friends super-vision)-then you start to ponder, why didn't he bother to ask to meet up (no relationship-commitment implied). Well, do what us half-empty folks would do-chug your $6 beer in a plastic cup, run like hell to another bar and then play dumb if and when he calls.
For the positive spin on this event visit
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