Monday, June 9, 2008

Old Skool Fashion

Although there is something to be said about coordinating your outfits with your girlfriends when you go out, execution is CRITICAL! If black skinny jeans and a green strapless top is what your friend is wearing, please take into consideration Fashion Common Law. Dressing alike was cute back in elementary school on the allotted "Twin Day" when you were 8-I'll even give you 10 years old, but when you're well into your 20's-knock that sh@# off!
You don't look cute or even adorable-you look like you're trying too hard in a very annoying way. So for the sake of ALL of who has to look at you (especially the guy you're trying to get attention from)-put a fashion restraining order on look-alikes. Besides, your girlfriend may look way better than you, then guess which twin the dude will want to take home that night? Yup, the HOTTER one!

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