Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mr. Not So Political

I'm not one who follows politics, but what is going on lately? Can there be any more sex scandals, especially amongst these right-wingers or should I say right-swingers! Really? You push and push about God and religion and good old family values, but last time I checked, having an affair wasn't religious or family-oriented.

I did find entertainment in this recent quiz on Time.com-http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1908849,00.html

I'm not here to discuss each and individual scandals, because that would take too long and be one very long blog-intriguing I'm sure, but not worth my typing skills. So instead, check out nerve.com and their list of America's Top 10 Political Sex Scandals.

Here are my Top 3 from the list:

1.Congressman Bob Barr of Georgia-not only did he introduce the Defense of Marriage Act, but then he introduced his tongue to a stripper, while licking whipping cream off of her. Stay Classy Bob.

2. Former President of the National Association of Evangelicals, Ted Haggard-I saw the documentary, Jesus Camp and this fella was on there, promoting and talking up the youth to stay in the church and reject the evils of this world. Apparently, he couldn't reject his meth addiction or getting plowed by his supplier, whom is also a male prostitute. Love thy neighbor.

And lucky number 3 is Mark Foley-Republican from Florida-Another outstanding citizen who just so happen to enjoy the sanctity of sending perverse text messages to his 16-year old male congressional page. Oh, not to mention that he so kindly introduced legislation targeting online sexual predators. Thanks Mark, that's one for the books...or the list at least.

I'm catching on to a theme here...I mean don't most authors/writers say that you write what you know-so Congressman are just writing legislation's that they have experience in...interesting and thought-provoking.

My advice-let women run the country. I mean look how great things turned out for Mary Kay Letourneau :)

Happy Blogging.

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